Dress The Geek

Help dress The Geek and you'll help yourself to some big winnings!

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Here are some lesser known Geek Facts:First Fact: He can probably do a million equations a second. It's True 2: The only person he ever lost a game of chess to was himself.

Be Aware: He can beat the hardest videogames while simultaneously downloading music on his laptop and streaming it to his PDA!All that said, his fashion sense leaves a bit to be desired and The Geek desires the ladies! This is where you come in. Help dress The Geek and you'll help yourself to some big winnings! The more his clothing matches, the more you win! But you'd better hurry, there's a new episode of Space Trek on tonight and if The Geek misses it he'll probably cry... and do algebra! Oh The Geek, you're the geekiest!

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